Monday, November 10, 2008

Bento #25 & #26

Prepared food for hubby and J this morning. Made hubby sandwich using multigrain bread with butter and fruit jam. I packed some grapes and cherry tomato as well.

This is J's snack for today. I steam some potato, wanted to sprinkle some powdered natto for him but I forgot. I blanched some broccoli, Justin likes to have mayonnaise with the broccoli so I packed it in the orange maybonnaise case. There are strawberries, grapes and cherry tomato included for today's snack as well.


3lilangels said...

Am so amazed that J eats Natto!! I like how you always include so much fruits in J's bento.

Our Story said...

he likes even the slimy natto which i quite like it too. He likes fruits so i'll pack more for him. in fact i dont eat as much fruits as he.