Monday, November 3, 2008

Bento #23

Today's snack consist of grapes, quail eggs, underneath the quail eggs is the edamame and Holloween theme pasta I just got from Muji yesterday. Cant resist not buying cute looking pasta, so grab it the moment I saw the pasta. J asked for pasta when I asked what he wants for today's snack.

I created a balloon and flower grapes with the help of cute looking food picks, a small animal fork for the pasta. I stirred in margarine and furikake for the pasta before packed into the lunch box.


3lilangels said...

That's a really nice Halloween pasta, I immediately spotted the spider. Love the picks too. So versatile.

By the way, the things from Marketplace will be sent to my sis by this week. Will make the arrangement for meet up then.

Our Story said...

I guess you'll like the pasta too. so i got a pack for u too :)

3lilangels said...

Oh really! That's great. Thanks heaps!